A little update

Hello everyone,

Thanks for dropping by. I’m sorry if anyone’s tried to contact me via the contact form recently – it turns out it was playing up, but it should be fixed now. I do love receiving messages from people, so don’t be shy.

It’s a year or so since WHEN WE WERE YOUNG came out, and I have received some very lovely messages and comments from readers who have enjoyed it. If you do have the time to give it (or my first book for that matter!) a rating or review on amazon I would be hugely grateful – it can make all the difference.

I am currently working away hard at my next book – in the joyful first draft stage where plot holes are things for future Me to deal with. I will share more details as soon as I can.

For now, I hope you’re all doing well. Be excellent to each other etc.

Speak soon.

Richard x

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